Category Archives: Get Help

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Balancing Act: Navigating the Complex Interplay Between a Portfolio CEO and Private Equity Managing Directors

This post is based on remarks IntelliVen CEO, Peter DiGiammarino made about what Private Equity Operations partners do for portfolio CEOs at a National Private Equity International Operating Partners Forum Panel Discussion in Sentry Center, New York City.

Panel Topic

A view from the portfolio company CEO on:

  • Management autonomy and sponsor inclusion; striking the right balance.
  • Engaging with the General Partner over the life of the transaction.

Opening Remarks

Beyond getting deals done and setting up financing, there are three things an operations professional counts on from their private equity investor:

  • Governance– i.e., provide a consistent point of accountability to report on: what we said we would do, what we did, what happened, what we learned, and what we plan to do next; we count on you to ask good questions to push up our thinking and give us your best advice.
  • Access– i.e., help secure the money, people, partners, clients, best practices, knowledge, etc. needed to be successful.

A team is a group of people working together to achieve a common goal.  If everyone sinks or swims together the investor team and the operating team aggregate to form the deal team.

The CEO’s job is to get the most out of all available resources to achieve the best possible result in the shortest possible time. Those on the investor team are there for the CEO to draw-in and leverage as best s/he can just like any other resource. Why then does it often seem that the investor team and the operating team are competing rather than working together? Continue reading Balancing Act: Navigating the Complex Interplay Between a Portfolio CEO and Private Equity Managing Directors

A Practical Guide to Building and Running a High-Performing Board

CEOs often fall into the trap of orchestrating meetings with their Board of Directors to:

    • Show how great they are and how well things are going (whether they really are or not!).

    • Avoid leaving the meeting with more to do than when it started.

A great deal of value can be derived from working with a board, but it takes a concerted effort to build, cultivate, prepare for, and work with individual board members and the board as a whole for that potential to be realized. Efforts to build a high-performing board are well-spent.

Boards Are Not All The Same

Generally speaking, there are three distinctly different kinds of boards. Leaders often mix-up the three kinds which leads to confusion and poor performance. It is critical for a leader to be clear about what kind of board they are working with and to manage it accordingly.

Celebrity Board

A Celebrity Board is comprised of people who bring attention and prestige to the organization and who may, just by their presence, provide access to potentially valuable resources including money, customers, employees, partners, press, and prestige.

Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors is a collection of individuals with directly relevant personal experience in something important that the organization is doing or dealing with. Advisors may have first-hand experience with the same problems the organization faces and offer valuable perspective and insight into best practices, benchmarks, and what will and will not work because they have previously done the same successfully themselves.

Advisory Board members generally each have specific experience, knowledge, and perspective that is often ideally tapped-into in a bi-lateral (i.e., one-on-one) interaction rather than in a group forum where each will struggle to deliver what they think they have been recruited to provide while also jockeying for position and esteem relative to others present.

See the Sample Advisory Board Charter for a way to set up an Advisory Board. The organization leader, or designee, regularly connects with each Advisory Board member to draw on their specific expertise in key situations. In addition, organization leaders meet with the Advisory Board as a group two to four times a year for three or so hours at a time.

For each Advisory Board meeting, organization leaders prepare background material on two or three of the most important things going on, along with specific questions the team is struggling with, that is sent to members two or so days ahead. Advisers read the background material, think critically, and develop a point of view to share. In the meeting, organization leaders talk through key points, field clarifying questions from advisers, and then draw out the best advice from each adviser in turn for each item.

It takes considerable time and effort for the leader to decide what are the most important topics to review in the meeting and to prepare advance materials. It is far easier for leaders to spend little time preparing and to talk extemporaneously off the top of their head in the meeting about what is going on in the organization.

While it is more efficient for the leader, it drives little to no value in the meeting as most of what is covered could have been provided ahead of time. The real problem, though, is that meetings used by leaders exclusively as a platform for briefing attendees, and not to make decisions or to take actions, will lead members to eventually choose to no longer attend meetings.

Accountability Board

The third type of board is an Accountability Board, or Board of Directors, or Governing Board, which has a three-pronged charter (see: Sample Accountability Board Charter) to:

    • Provide a consistent point of accountability. I.e., where management puts before the board a plan and regularly reports on how things are going relative to plan.
    • Help with individual and collective focus. I.e., what the organization, as a whole seeks to accomplish and how it is going, and what each leadership team member is assigned to accomplish and how it is going.

    • Provide access to resources such as ideas, funding, customers, employees, best practices, training, partners, and perspective.

Accountability Board members are generally also invited to also attend and participate fully as Advisory Board members as they are likely experts as something relevant to the organization, but it is rare that expert advisors also happen to be qualified to serve as Accountability Board members.

Accountability Board Mechanics

Accountability Boards meet three or four times a year for a full session and once or twice a year to cover specific items that come up such as approving the annual financial plan before submitting to their bank.

Meetings cover the following standing items for the organization as a whole and for one to three key topics such as strategic initiatives or milestone events such as financing, acquisition, or sale:

  • What management said it would do.
  • What has been done.
  • What happened.
  • What has been learned.
  • What is planned to be done next.

The CEO coordinates with the management team and the board chair to prepare and distribute advance materials for each item.

The organization’s overall fiscal health is the opening topic for every meeting. The financial model, financial plan, and performance projections are reported via the income statement, cash flow, and balance sheet. All three are kept in focus and assessed carefully relative to:

  • Past performance
  • Planned performance
  • Peer performance

and set the context and tone for all other topics.

Advance material on financials summarize the status and highlight key issues. Unless there are major concerns, the financial review should take less than 20-minutes, leaving the lion’s share of time to discuss strategic initiatives and/or milestone events.

Board Chairperson and CEO

It is important for the board chairperson and CEO to facilitate the meeting so that:

    • Points are made once and then move along. A common tendency is for board members to repeat points already made, adding a minor nuance, just to be heard and/or to look smart.

    • Points are covered to the depth required to add significant value. Another tendency is for board members to “go deep” in areas of their personal strength to prove their worth but adding little value.

Each topic is opened for discussion by the CEO or assigned management team member. Board members ask clarifying questions and questions to push-up management thinking. To close discussion on an item, board members each offer their best advice and then move on to the next topic.

Members of the management team attend board meetings and listen carefully to what board members convey through their questions and comments without being the least bit defensive. The board chair works with the CEO to create and maintain a meeting environment in which it is safe for management to say what needs to be said and to be sure leaders hear what needs to be heard.

It is critical for the CEO and board chair to give individual and group coaching when discussions go off track or when participants talk past each other as often happens.


The Secret to Creating a Productive Private Company Board of Directors

How a PE Portfolio Company CEO worked with his board after a massive disruption

A proven Path to a Plan in the Wake of Massive Disruption

How to set up and use an Accountability Board

Leadership Support Framework

Director Compensation

Board of Directors FAQs

Guidelines for Interviewing and selecting board members

Six reasons every leader should join a peer group.

Peer group iconEvery leader stands to benefit from the opportunity to meet monthly in a professionally facilitated session with about a dozen non-competitive peers who are in similar roles, in similar organizations, and at a similar stage of evolution.

Leaders who make the one decision to join, as long as they show up, get six distinct benefits that are hard to achieve any other way:

  • Leaders can be genuinely open to input and be vulnerable, even wrong, in front of each other; no need to put on airs or skirt around the hard stuff.
  • Peers really know and understand each other, personally and professionally, and the challenges each faces in meeting associated goals; feelings of loneliness and depression are less common among participants.

Continue reading Six reasons every leader should join a peer group.

How CEO’s should use Accountability Boards and Subject Matter Experts to help their organization perform and grow.

How to set up and use accountability boards.

Every leader stands to benefit from the opportunity to regularly review with outsiders what s/he seeks to do, what has been done to do it, what has happened and what has been learned so far, and what s/he plans to do next.

It is harder to set up, operate, and benefit from outside help than it may first appear. Click the featured image above for a slide presentation of lessons learned and best practices that, if followed, will lead to improved performance and growth thanks to help from Accountability Board Members and Subject Matter Experts.

How to think about and work with outsiders to systematically get help in a way that increases the odds of success.

Get HelpLearning to Get Help or to work with outsiders is one of the top two factors that account for success in maturing a start-up into a credible organization on track to long term growth and performance according to a plan.

Early stage CEO’s at first often think it is a sign of weakness to need help and when they finally do experiment with getting help they often find it frustrating ultimately because they misuse those they enlist.

It helps to think in terms of five types of outside support:

  • Celebrities to draw attention
  • Advisers to provide best practices and perspective based on experience
  • Peers to provide mutual support and community
  • Coaches to provide advice and counsel  to increase personal effectiveness
  • Governors to provide a consistent point of accountability and help with strategy, focus, and access to resources

Continue reading How to think about and work with outsiders to systematically get help in a way that increases the odds of success.